As part of Magnus's social purpose, we strive to create more awareness about the danger asbestos represents for public health. These materials are still present in millions of homes and commercial buildings today in Canada. This is why we have been working along with the mesothelioma center to fight against its threats.
Did you know that asbestos could cause cancer?
Mesothelomia is a malignant tumor caused by inhaled asbestos fibers, it appears not only in the lungs, but heart and abdomen. The life expectancy is approximately 12 months.
Here we have some tips to avoid contact with asbestos, also where you could find it at home or in your commercial business.
For decades, workers and homeowners had no idea asbestos exposure could lead to big issues and diseases such mesothelioma, lung cancer and asbestosis. We are glad that more companies are aware of the danger and they are implementing processes and policies to remove asbestos in a safe way.
We strongly suggest you never perform asbestos if you are not trained and certified, call MAGNUS Construction Services, your expert to do this
Ask your employer about any asbestos exposure, health risks in your workplace
In case you have contact, never sweep, dust or vacuum asbestos debris with a regular vacuum cleaner. Use wet cleaning methods
Offer respiratory protection if exposure limits are exceeded
The only way to tell if your house contains asbestos is getting a test by a professional, a certified laboratory for testing.
The danger appears when homeowners perform renovations that release asbestos dust to air. You may think it is a normal process, but by drilling, sawing, cutting, scraping into the walls, ceiling or floor create a health risk.
Before buying a house ask your realtor or inspector if there is asbestos in your home. Ask them for a report you can review
If your house is more than 30 years old, don’t perform any DIY renovations if you are not sure whether you have asbestos or not.
Never attempt to remove asbestos without help from MAGNUS Construction Service. We have all the know-how, licenses, talent and machinery to do a safe job.
Where can we find asbestos?
Old Batt Insulation
Vermiculite insulation
Texture paint
Heat source covering
Door Gaskets
Duct Linings
Wall gaskets and Linings
Recessed Lighting
Wiring insulation
Fuse boxes
Old fridges and freezers
Range Hoods
Wood Stoves
Clothes Dryer
Fireplace Logs
Roof membrane and shingles
Window caulking and glazing
Cement asbestos board
If you think your buildings may have asbestos call us for a free consultation, or if you feel any symptoms connect with a Top Mesothelioma Specialist or Doctor